Use PriceCharting to value and keep track of your LEGO set collection.
Search for sets by keyword, set number, or UPC. Scan UPC with
our iOS app to quickly find sets
See a complete list of all sets in a particular series
Keep track of your collection complete progress for an entire series and search results too (Example:
All Batmobile sets)
Sort and filter series lists and search results to suit your needs
See pieces only, complete in box, brand new, and more price points for each LEGO set (Example:
Millenium Falcon #10179)
List of all LEGO sets owned. Ability to search collection, record cost, quantity, and leave notes
Chart showing historic value of entire collection. Automatically updated as set values change.
Why LEGO Sets
I've been a LEGO fan since I was a child. The only thing on my birthday and Christmas list from age 7-12 was LEGO sets. My favorite set was the
Mega Core Magnetizer #6989. In college I got into LEGO Mindstorm sets and built countless robots. I even designed a custom wedding LEGO piece for my wife and I to put on our wedding cake.
With kids in the house I've gotten back into LEGO sets again and building sets and doing family build challenges ("Who can make the best castle in 30 minutes?").
I wanted to add LEGO sets to PriceCharting because it's a collectible that I love and I know other people do too. I wanted a price guide and collection tools focused on collectors who build their sets, not just invest in LEGO sets.
Some LEGO builds I've designed over the years.
Conveyor belt I built when my son loved dumping LEGO blocks from his dump truck. Mindstorm motors lifted truck and ran belt.
LEGO Wedding Couple I designed for my wedding cake. The baby was added a couple years later for our baby announcement.