You can now search for Lorcana Cards with a photo.
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It's as easy as that. Try it out today with some of your Lorcana Cards.
Articles about rare video games and video game collecting
You can now search for Lorcana Cards with a photo.
Author: JJ Hendricks 0 comments
You can now search for One Piece Cards with just a photo.
Click "Search by Photo" button
Take your photo
See the top matches
Click on your match to view values and add to collection
Author: JJ Hendricks 0 comments
6:15am MST - We are working to fix a known server outage.
6:30am - Some requests are running slow due to a DDOS attack.
8:30am - User requests should all be working now.
11:30am - The problem is happening again and we are actively working to prevent it.
2:00pm - Some requests are still failing due to heavy load. Continuing work on long term solution.
10:50pm - Issue should be resolved. We will continue monitoring.
Happy New Year!!
At no point was user data compromised during this attack. We do not keep any sensitive data like credit cards on our servers and the user data we do have was safe as well.
Author: JJ Hendricks 63 comments
Add Funko to your Collection now! You now have access to prices and sales data across conditions, Search by Name, Box Number, Set, and Series, and UPC scanning for all Funkos on mobile. Click below to check out the price guide and to add your Funko to your PriceCharting Collection. Enjoy!
If you're TCG collector you can now see which sets of your favorite cards will release in the next two weeks. Pre-release sets will have a special label in-app, and you will receive a notification when the set launches.
We wanted to send you a holiday reminder that you can scan as many collectibles as you want, and we'll never charge you a penny! Check out the latest card scanner on iOS, or use our mobile web to Search By Photo and Batch Scan. ID your Trading Cards, Comic Books, and Sports Cards, and price them in seconds. OR, use our FREE barcode scanner to ID and price Video Games, Comics, or Funko. Enjoy!
Many of the most valuable Comic Books are considered "key issues" due to a material event happening within that book. For the most part these Key Issues are known either for the first appearance of a major character or for a major storyline event taking place. We now support Key Issue designation within our Comics listings so you can quickly spot those issues. If you're on a set page you can also filter to view just Key Issues.
We now have formal coin variants for US Proof Coins. View completed sales, historical prices, and hi-res photos of your US Proofs. Add to your Collection today - enjoy!
We've introduced the ability to buy an annual Collector subscription (as opposed to a monthly sub) which will save you ~20% over the year. The Collector Sub lets you receive Deal Alerts on collectibles you'd like to buy, grants you access to Lot Value Calculator, Grading Recommendations, Unlimited Collection Folders, and much more.
Author: JJ Hendricks 0 comments
Labels: changelog © 2007-2021 | All prices are USD