Today is international "Talk Like A Pirate Day". To celebrate I'm drinking lots of grog, pillaging my neighbors pantry, and writing a post about Pirate video games. The five most expensive video games with "Pirate" in the title. Plus a few extra beauties for me mates. Shiver me timbers, what a list!
Sid Meier's Pirates Live the Life - PSP

New Price: $32 Used Price: $25
A more recent game tops the list of expensive Pirate games. Its a re-release of a PC Action/Strategy game on the PSP. The game received high review scores and is the best way to become a pirate while waiting at a bus stop.
See Current Pirates: Live the Life PSP Prices
Pirates Gold - Sega Genesis
Used Price: $21 New Price: $30
A real-time strategy game released for Sega Genesis in 1993. Pirates Gold is one of the few RTS games for the Genesis and is relatively rare. Though it can be found online without much problem you won't see it at many garage sales and pawn shops.
See Current Pirates Gold Prices
Sid Meier's Pirates Live the Life - Xbox
Used Price: $17 New Price: $31
The same game as the #1 on our list but released for the Xbox. It is a good game for "Talk Like A Pirate" day. You get to explore, pillage, kill, and steal as the captain of your own pirate ship.
See Current Pirates: Live the Life Xbox Prices
Jetsons Invasion of the Planet Pirates - SNES
Used Price: $14 New Price: $40
George Jetson must take on SPREE (Space Pirates Revelling in Evil Enterprises) and save the galaxy. You don't get to play as a pirate in this game, but it can be fun to stop evil pirates sometimes too.
See Current Jetson's Invasion of Planet Pirates Prices
Pirates of the Caribbean At World`s End - Wii
Used Price: $12 New Price: $17
The Wii game version of the last Pirates of the Caribbean movie. You follow the same basic plot as the movie but with waggle controls. Pointing at screen and shakeing your wiimote is guaranteed to make you feel like a real pirate.
See Current Pirates of the Caribbean At World`s End Wii Prices
Bilge Rats of the Pirate Game Genre (Bad Pirate Games or Titles)
Peter Pan and the Pirates - NES
Used Price: $2
This game is not one of the best remembered NES games and for good reason, it is completely forgettable. If you want to see an 8-bit Tinker-Bell (and I'm sure there are guys like that out there), this is the game for you.
See Current Peter Pan and the Pirates Prices
Dinotopia: The Timestone Pirates- GBA
Used Price: $8
Maybe one of the best Dinotopia games. Ok, that isn't saying much. This might be a good one for your pirate/dinosaur loving kids though.
See Current Dinotopia The Timestone Pirates GBA Prices
Dora the Explorer: Pirate Pig Treasure - GBA
Used Price: $9
The only Gameboy Advance game to explore the "Pirate Pig" genre. Judging by the picture, Pig Pirates are a bit more generous than human pirates.
See Current Dora the Explorer Pirate Pig Treasure GBA Prices
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