There is an auction on ebay for Nintendo Campus Challenge 1991. There is only one of these in the world and it's a very sought after piece of Nintendo gaming history.
In 1991 Nintendo hosted a second Nintendo World Championship but toured 58 college campuses so they called it the Campus Challenge. Nintendo made a special cartridge just for this event that had Super Mario 3, PinBot, and Dr. Mario. After the competition was finished all of the cartridges were supposed to be destroyed, but in 2006 this cartridge appeared at the garage sale of an ex-Nintendo employee.
The auction started at $0.99 with no reserve but the price already up to $3,250. Where will it end up? We will be sure to update the VGPC price for Nintendo Campus Challenge 91 once the auction closes.
The game sold for a record $20,100. A user on youtube posted a video showing the last two minutes of the auction as the price increased from $8,500 to $10,000 and then to $20,100 with 2 seconds left.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Nintendo Campus Challenge 1991 for NES
Author: JJ Hendricks 8 comments
Labels: nes , rare games
Monday, September 28, 2009
New Search Plug-in
Thanks to the efforts of a loyal VGPC user (Hi Daniel!), there's now a search plug-in for VGPC. The plug-in works with Firefox 2 or later and with Internet Explorer 7 or later. Here's how to install and use the search extension:
- Visit the Mycroft Project
- Click the link
- When prompted whether to add the search provider, click Yes or Accept
If prefer to use a search keyword in Firefox, we have instructions for that too.
Happy searching!
Author: mndrix 1 comments
Labels: changelog
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
We're Adding GameStop Prices to VGPC
We're adding GameStop prices to VGPC starting today. Initially not every game will show a price, but within a few weeks we will show a price for every game that GameStop sells.
The GameStop prices will not be used in the price history charts or in the "VGPC Price" we list for every game. We did this because adding GameStop prices to the charts now would cause a spike in prices for almost every game (GameStop is usually more expensive than eBay and Amazon). This would make comparisons for past prices harder because it would be comparing apples to oranges.
Below is an image showing what the new pages will look like and which sections will and will not change:
See pages with the GameStop prices already live: Sonic Riders or Ninja Gaiden II
We're adding GameStop prices because so many of our users asked for them. In the comments below let us know if there are any other used game retailers you want us to add next.
Author: JJ Hendricks 5 comments
Friday, September 18, 2009
More Data in the Retail Guide
We've added new fields to our Retail Price Guide files. This provides more video game data for every product in our database. The new fields are
- ASIN - Amazon's unique product identifier
- Release date - the date on which this game was released to the public
- Publisher - the company who published the game
- ESRB Rating
- Original MSRP - what this game sold for in stores when it first came out
If you bookmarked the old URL and rely on that format, don't worry. We'll continue supporting the old format too. There's no need to change the way you use the file until you're ready.
Author: mndrix 0 comments
Labels: changelog , price guide
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Where's the Best Place to Sell Video Games?
Over the last several months Amazon, Best Buy, and Toys R Us have joined GameStop and Game Crazy in the used game buying market. Gamers now have five national retailers to choose from when deciding who to sell their games too, plus eBay and Amazon Marketplace. Which of these seven options gives the best prices for old games?
We randomly chose 100 games for PS2, Xbox 360, PS3, PSP, Nintendo DS, or Wii and calculated the average price each store would give you for every game. The results are below:
![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Ebay* | $10.54 | 0 |
Amazon Marketplace* | 10.11 | 0 |
Toys R Us | 8.78 | 10 |
Best Buy | 8.46 | 54 |
Amazon | 5.67 | 32 |
Game Crazy | 5.02 | 16 |
Game Stop | 4.09 | 3 |
* eBay and Amazon Marketplace prices are after subtracting selling fees
Column Definitions:
Average Price - The average price for 26 games that all seven stores offered prices on.
Can't Sell - The number of games that the store won't buy from customers.
Other Factors to Consider When Selling Games
- Best price on average even after subtracting ebay and paypal fees
- Every game ever made can be sold
- You have to deal with shipping, payment issues, and customer service
Amazon Marketplace
- Second best price (after subtracting Amazon selling fees)
- Almost every game can be sold. Niche systems like Neo Geo, Vectrex, and even Atari 2600 don't have listings
- You have to deal with shipping, payment issues, and customer service
Toys R Us
- Best prices of all the stores
- They don't pay for 10% of the games we tried
- Will take trades on all systems from PS2 era & next-gen consoles
- Every vintage game is the same price, $0.50 for Earthbound
- They pay you via Toys R Us gift card
- Offers instant online quotes
Best Buy
- Wouldn't buy back 54% of the games
- Good prices for the games they do purchase
- Will take trades on all systems from PS2 era & next-gen consoles
- You can trade-in electronics too
- They pay you via Best Buy gift card
- Offers instant online quotes
- Worst prices of the online stores
- Doesn't buy 32% of games we searched
- Will take trades on vintage games too
- They pay you via Amazon gift card
- Offers instant online quotes
Game Crazy
- Better prices than GameStop
- No online quotes
- Will take trades on all systems from PS2 era & next-gen consoles
- They can pay in cash or store credit
- Not in every market nationwide
- Worst prices of all the stores
- No online quotes
- Will take trades on all systems from PS2 era & next-gen consoles
- They can pay in cash or store credit
- More than 4,300 stores in the United States
This is part of our video game collecting 101 series.
We randomly chose 100 video games for PS2, Xbox 360, PS3, PSP, Nintendo DS, or Wii and found the prices for them on September 14th 2009. The list included 42 PS2 Games, 9 PS3, 20 Nintendo DS, 7 PSP, 13 Wii, and 9 Xbox 360. The list includes a wide range of games like Fallout 3, Animal Crossing Wild World, Marvel vs Capcom 2, Pokemon Platinum, and My Chinese Coach, Mini-Ninja's, and Cars.
When calculating the "Average Price" we only used the 26 games that every retailer offered a price for.
Author: JJ Hendricks 46 comments
Labels: amazon , Collecting 101 , ebay , gamestop , video game prices
Friday, September 11, 2009
Video Game Museum: 10,000 Games & Every Console
Syd Bolton runs a PC museum in Canada and has a huge video game collection with more than 6,000 games. The museum has thousand of boxed PC games and dozens of computers covering the whole history of PC's. I had a chance to interview Syd about his museum and get some photos of the collection as well.
Xbox and Xbox 360 games. All complete with box and instructions.
A Vectrex System with tons of vintage games behind it.
Arcade games in the tiny cabinets
Tons of Playstation 2 games.
Video game memorabilia and signed pictures of a couple G4 hosts
Thank you Syd for answering these questions for us about your video game collection and Personal Computer Museum.
Where do you live?
I live in Brantford, Ontario, Canada and have all my life. Brantford was a
primary home to Alexendar Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone and
home to the first long distance phone call (between Brantford, Ontario and
Paris, Ontario, only a few miles away).
How did you get into video game collecting?
Growing up I bought myself a computer because I knew I could play games on
it AND learn programming. However, a buddy of mine had an Atari 2600 and I
will admit I was jealous. I loved going over to his place to play Pitfall!
and some of the other great classics. In time, I started collecting
computers and because people thought I was into "that sort of thing" one day
somebody brought me an Atari 2600 with 20 games for $20. At first, I'm
thinking "what the heck do I want this for?" but as soon as I saw Pitfall!,
the good memories started flooding back. I said "Yes, I want this!" and
picked it up. I realized I could amass a pretty good collection quickly and
inexpensively by placing ads in local newspapers as "Wanted to buy: video
game systems". I just got hooked on it and then wanted everything because I
can't just seem to do something part way. It's my greatest strength and
weakness. I think my collections could be stronger on more rare titles if it
wasn't for the fact that I focus on "anything I don't have". Most collectors
concentrate on one or a few systems. With me, I have weeks or months (or
years) where I focus on one but then my attention shifts.
How many games do you own? How many systems?
It's a bit of a tough question. I know I have over 6,000 console games but
I'm still in the process of cataloging all of them. When it comes to
original, boxed computer software games I'd have to estimate several
thousand. With systems, I basically own the majority of consoles released in
North America. I have the early originals like the Magnavox Odyssey 1, the
Fairchild Channel F and of course multiple variants of the Atari 2600. In
addition to all the "standard" consoles I've also got some odder items like
the Amiga CD32 (and CDTV), the Leisure Vision (a version of the Arcadia
2001) and even a Tandyvision One (Intellivision compatible).
What are your favorite items in your collection?
Lately my Pac-Man table has been the coolest and favorite thing but it's
very difficult to choose. Sometimes the favorite things are the ones that
people find interesting like the mini arcade games I have (the Frogger and
Pac-Man ones for example) and I have a very extensive Dragon's Lair
collection that I'm proud of. My PS2 collection, which currently has over
1222 individual titles in it is the proudest thing I have.
Tell me more about the video game and personal computer museum you run?
So I started collecting computers when I was 12 -- which was just over 25
years ago. I had 3 of them, which for the time was pretty unusual (I had a
VIC-20, a Commodore 64 and an Apple II clone that I built myself). I really
didn't have any gaming systems until I turned 16, when someone offered me an
Atari 2600 for $20 with a bunch of games. At first, I was like "why the heck
would I want this? It's old now and crappy" but then I saw Pitfall! sitting
there. I remembered loving going over to my buddy's house and playing his
2600 (he had everything back then, it seemed). I had opted on getting a
computer instead of Atari because I could play games AND learn how to
program. Turns out I made the right decision, as I am still programming
today and make my living from it.
Are most items part of your personal collection or the museum collection?
All of the computers and software that started out as mine are now the
property of the museum. It's too difficult to separate what was mine versus
all of the generous donations we've received over the years. The video
games, however, are all mine. However, I am going to loan them to the museum
when we get a bigger building and have the space to display everything. That
is the main focus right now, getting consistent funding and a larger
What is the most expensive game you own?
Well you know that Steel Battalion for the Xbox is up there but the value of
some of the others I'm not too sure of. I never really worried about getting
some of the more super expensive individual titles because I would rather
spend the money on building a broader collection overall. I have a ton of
PS2 RPG's that I know will grow in value over time so that is probably my
most expensive area of collecting.
What is the most rare game you own?
Again, defining rare is tough here. I have several Atari 2600 games that I
treasure for their difficulty in obtaining like Chase the Chuckwagon, Condor
Attack and Gas Hog. But when showing my collection to the average person,
I'm going to point out things like my shrink-wrapped Pitfall! for the 2600
and sealed Pac-Man because it's something they might actually recognize.
Newer games that I'm proud to own that are getting really hard to find
include Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (both Xbox and PS2) but I also know that rare
doesn't necessarily mean valuable.
Why start a gaming museum?
Gaming is one of those areas where most people play a game and then get rid
of it at some point. To be able to go back and look at that game, even just
the box cover and hold that in your hands, brings back a flood of positive
memories for people. It's this sense of joy, that I see all the time in
people that is the primary reason for doing this. It was much more difficult
and much more expensive to game in the "early days" and so people spent more
time on it, they received more joy from it (even when the games weren't
nearly as good as some are today). It's that personal sense of
accomplishment that people have and love revisiting years later that makes
the difference. It's also important, from an educational standpoint, to
preserve this stuff. Companies that have come and gone and the people behind
them all deserve to be remembered for their contributions.
How much have you spent over the years on your collection?
That's a tough one because I didn't really keep track of it before like I do
now. Clearly, it's a small fortune. I would say more than $100k and less
than $250k? I'm a fairly frugal shopper when it comes to games (one has to
be). I don't like buying used on the newer stuff because I know it hurts the
industry, so when it's a big game title that I know I will play right away
I'll buy it new to support the developers and publishers. Obviously, on
older stuff I don't have a choice but to buy used or trade.
What do you want to add to your collection but haven't been able to find?
Obviously I'd love to get a hold of Panzer Dragoon Saga on the Saturn. I
certainly have had the opportunity, I just have a hard time spending that
much on one game when I know I can get an armload of other games for the
same money (the biggest problem with being an 'everything' collector). On
the Playstation, I'd love to get my hands on Suikoden II and Tactics Ogre.
And of course, on the older stuff, Bounty Bob on the Atari 5200 would be a
must have because I also love that game!
Any interesting stories about how you got some items in the collection?
Several years ago, I printed out a Nintendo NES rarity list and noticed these "Aladdin" game carts were on it. This was when the web was still
fairly new and eBay was not a strong place to sell goods (around 1995 I
think). I had never seen one of these carts before but noted the "ER+"
rating in the list. I went to a flea market type place about an hour's drive
from my home. I walked into this one area where this guy had a bunch of
video games and I was not sure what these were--turns out they were boxed
Aladdin carts. They had a price of $10 each. I asked for the manager,
because once I realized what they were I was going to try and make a deal.
They said he was back the following weekend. So, I bought a set of what I
could find, at $10 each (there were the six separate games) and went home.
The following weekend I came back and found the owner and asked him if I
bought every single one of those games he had - how much they would be. He
hummed and hawed and said "Well...umm...listen, I gotta get at least three
bucks for each of them". Putting on my best poker face, I sighed and said
"that's ok I guess". Meanwhile, I'm jumping up and down on the inside. Keep
in mind - this was also in Canadian funds! Even better, as we were packing
up the games he comes from out back and says "Oh, I found some more!" and I
see over ten sets of the Aladdin cartridge itself with the pack-in game.
Trying to hide my excitement, I asked how much for those. "Oh, same price!".
All told, I ended up walking away with over 15 complete sets of Aladdin
decks with the seven games. I kept two sets for myself and sold the rest for
$125 US a set. Being fair of course. Later, with the extras I had of the
single games I managed to sell some for as much as $45 each on eBay once it
became more popular. I am not sure how much of my game collection that
transaction financed, but I can tell you that it was one of the best scores
I've had in collecting.
Thank you Syd. If I'm ever up in Canada again, I will be sure to stop by and see your museum and personal collection. The museum is open to the public too so anyone else can see this collection too, be sure to look up the visiting hours though first because they change frequently.
Author: JJ Hendricks 3 comments
Labels: interview