If your looking to make some extra money next holiday season and you have some extra storage space - buy and resell Beatles Rock Band Limited Edition for Wii.
This year the price of Beatles Rock Band for Wii increased from about $230-240 in the summer to $425 in December. The lowest price on Amazon right now is $430
These are list prices so people might not pay these high prices, but I personally sold a Limited Edition Wii version in December for $380 and the most recent sale on ebay was for $300.
Here's what you do:
Next August or September you find the lowest prices for the complete package (you could use our handy current listing comparison feature if you want). Buy five or six of these and store them in your garage, basement, or anywhere else. Around the 1st to 15th of December list these for sale on eBay and Amazon with a Buy It Now price of $340-350 and see if they sell.My guess is next year you will be able to make some money doing this. MTV Games isn't making more of these limited edition bundles and they seem to be really popular Christmas gifts.
sold 2 of mine for $500 on amazon :-D
@anonymous - Did you already own 2 or did you buy them in order to resell?
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