The Legend of Zelda was released in 1986 and since then there have been 28 different Zelda games released (including collector's editions). Zelda continues to be one of the most popular video game series of all time selling 59 million copies. The Zelda series is also popular with video game collectors with a couple different titles fetching more than $100. Below is a list of the most expensive Zelda games.
The list is ranked by the average sales price per game from July 19th, 2010 to August 19th, 2010.
Zelda Test Cartridge (Nintendo NES)

Official Nintendo Repair shops used this game to test Nintendo consoles they repaired. The game is the same as the original Legend of Zelda, but it comes in a yellow cartridge. The exact number of test cartridges isn't known but the game very rarily comes up for public auction and when it does it sells for extremely high prices.
See Historic Prices | See Ebay Listings
Zelda Twilight Princess DS Demo (Nintendo DS)

When Zelda Twilight Princess was first shown at E3, Nintendo made some Nintendo DS cartridges with the preview trailer on them. They gave these preview cartridges to everyone in attendance at their E3 press conference. The cartridge is just a video demo of the game, but it routinely sells for $140-150.
See Historic Prices | See Ebay Listings
Zelda's Adventure (CD-i)

The third of the Zelda games released for the Philips CD-i. It is the most expensive of the three because it is even more rare. The game plays similar to other 2D Zelda games with a top-down view. The game has really bad cut-scenes with horrible voice acting but is very popular with Zelda collectors because it is so rare.
See Historic Prices | See Ebay Listings
Zelda Faces of Evil (CD-i)

The Philips CD-i had three Zelda games. All three are widely regarded as the worst of the Zelda games. Nintendo decided not to allow Philips to create a CD add-on for the Super Nintendo. As part of this decision they allowed Philips to create 5 games with Nintendo characters. One of these is Zelda Faces of Evil.
See Historic Prices | See Ebay Listings
Zelda The Wand of Gamelon (CD-i)

Zelda Wand of Gamelon and Faces of Evil are side-scrollers like Zelda II for Nintendo NES, but with full motion video cut scenes. Nintendo didn't help develop these games at all, which is evident when you play one. They are so awful, they have developed a cult following. Like a car accident, they are horrible but you can't look away.
See Historic Prices | See Ebay Listings
Zelda Wind Waker & Ocarina Master Quest Combo (Gamecube)

A combo package that included The Zelda Windwaker game and Zelda Ocarina of Time Master Quest disc. The cover art shows pictures of both games and there are two discs inside. Master Quest is an unreleased verion of the game with harder dungeons and battles (see below).
See Historic Prices | See Ebay Listings
Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition (Gamecube)

A collection of four different Zelda games. Includes Legend of Zelda, Zelda II, Zelda Ocarina, Zelda Majora's Mask, Wind Waker 20 minute demo, and some Zelda video clips. The game was never sold in stores but was given away as part of the holiday 2003 Gamecube bundles. Everyone who bought a system received this promotional prize inside.
See Historic Prices | See Ebay Listings
Zelda Ocarina of Time Master Quest (Gamecube)

To encourage preorders for Zelda Wind Waker, Nintendo offered everyone a bonus: A copy of an unreleased version of Zelda Ocarina of Time with harder dungeons. This preorder bonus for the Gamecube was never sold in stores but hundreds of thousands are available because the program was so popular. For $5 (the usual cost a deposit) you got a Gamecube version of one of the highest rated games of all time.
See Historic Prices | See Ebay Listings
Zelda Twilight Princess (Wii)

The first Zelda game ever to launch with a new console, Zelda Twilight Princess was available on the Wii at launch. The game sold millions of copies so it is definitely not rare. But gamers still want to play the game on their Wii so prices stay relatively high. Of all the games on this top 10 list, Twilight Princess for Wii has the best chance of dropping off. Prices are likely to drop once the Wii loses popularity.
See Historic Prices | See Ebay Listings
Zelda Twilight Princess (Gamecube)

Right before Twilight Princess launched on Wii, Nintendo announced that the game would still be on the Gamecube too. The Gamecube was on it's last legs but Twilight Princess still sold fairly well, not quite as much as the Wii version though. The Gamecube version is identical to the Wii version, except for the way it is controlled. The Gamecube version uses the controller while the Wii version uses motion controls.
See Historic Prices | See Ebay Listings has daily updated prices for every Zelda game. See all the Zelda game prices.
It's also worth mentioning that, in addition to the Gamecube variant Zelda games, there is also a Wind Waker/Metroid dual game set with split cover art that appears to be the rarest of the newer generation Zelda games. It comes up so infrequently on ebay and other seller sites that there are very few completed auctions on which to gauge the going price. I'd put my money on this as a great future collectible that can still be had now for a reasonable price. Plus, how can you go wrong with those two games paired together in one complete set?
@Tom - Thank you for mentioning that game. The Metroid/Zelda variation is very rare and I haven't seen any prices for it quite some time which is why it doesn't show up on this list. I'm almost 100% sure that it will make the list though once a sale actually happens. I will update this list when it does.
JJ, you are the man. Thanks for what you do.
I remember watching the angry video game nerd do a review on the zelda cd-i game. It was so awful but so hilarious. Ocarina of Time master quest looks interesting.
Check this out. £2050 ($3,250) for sealed original gameboy's Zelda Link's Awakening!
Sean (Belfast)
Dont forget the zelda oracle of ages box set, only 500 was made and they are very hard to come by.
Also a big box zelda A link to the past, and a Majoras Mask limited edition box set where 1000 was made.
In 2013, the Zelda Windwaker games that had bonus OoT discs now sells for over $100.
i got a question i have one of the zeldas at the top the NES version but its in first edition and in GREAT shape and it still works and its not yellow its golden so im wondering how much would it cost xD
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