Some of the most rare and expensive games ever are from the Nintendo NES. Below is a list of the rarest and most expensive Nintendo games and what makes them so valuable.
The list is ranked by highest recorded sales price per game.
Stadium Events

An auction for a sealed copy of Stadium Events set a record for the highest priced game ever sold. The game was released in a limited number of stores in 1987, but Nintendo bought the rights to this Bandai game so they could release it as World Class Track Meet. This is considered to be the rarest of the licensed NES games with only an estimated 200 copies in existance. Don't confuse this with the PAL version (see below) which is not as rare but looks very similar. You can use a Stadium Events version guide to tell them apart.
See Historic Prices | See Ebay Listings
Nintendo Campus Challenge 1991

In 1991 Nintendo held a video game tournament at college campuses across the country. For the competition they created a cartridge which had three games on it, Super Mario 3, Dr. Mario, and PinBot, and a 6 minute time limit. Only one of these is known to exist and was found at a ex-Nintendo employee's garage sale. The game sold on ebay this past summer for $20,100.
See Historic Prices | See Ebay Listings
Nintendo World Championships Gold

Considered to be the "Holy Grail" of game collecting by many, it is no longer the most expensive video game or even the most expensive Nintendo game. Nintendo gave away 26 of these gold cartridges after the 1990 Nintendo World Championships (see below). The game cartridge has Super Mario, Tetris, and Rad Racer on one cartridge and gives players a combined score for all three games after playing for six minutes.
See Historic Prices | See Ebay Listings
Nintendo World Championships Gray

The gray version of Nintendo World Championships is not as rare as the Gold version, but still sells for more than $5,000. Nintendo held a video game competition in 1990 to determine the best Nintendo players in three different age groups. The winner in each age group and each city was given a gray cartridge as a prize so only 90 of these exist today.
See Historic Prices | See Ebay Listings
Myriad 6-in-1

Myriad 6 in 1 is a collection of six games on one cartridge. Myriad bought all the remaining 6-in-1 cartridges from Caltron (see below) as they were going out of business. Myriad then changed the sticker on the front and added a unique serial number to each cartridge. The game was unlicensed by Nintendo and there are thought to be fewer than 100.
See Historic Prices | See Ebay Listings
Stadium Events PAL Version

The European version of Stadium Events is not as rare as its American counterpart, but is still an expensive NES game. The PAL version was released in multiple languages so some versions have English wording, while others have German or even Dutch. The game isn't as rare because Nintendo never recalled it like they did with the NTSC version.
See Historic Prices | See Ebay Listings
Caltron 6-in-1

Caltron 6-in-1 is an unlicensed game for the NES and is notoriously bad. All six games are of very low quality and this helped limit the number of games sold. Caltron Industries shut-down as a video game publisher after this game came out and it is the only game they ever released. The six games on the cartridge Cosmos Cop, Adam and Eve, Magic Carpet 1001, Balloon Monster, Porter, and Bookyman, are all take offs on other popular NES games.
See Historic Prices | See Ebay Listings
Peek-A-Boo Poker

Peek-A-Boo Poker is another unlicensed game for the NES, but it is also adult rated. The game is basically strip poker on the NES with female characters on the game removing clothes if you win. The game was made by Panesian, the same publishers who made Bubble Bath Babes and Hot Slots, which are two more pornographic games you will see lower on this list.
See Historic Prices | See Ebay Listings
Bubble Bath Babes

Bubble Bath Babes is an adult version of Tetris with bubbles. You arrange bubbles of similar colors so they are touching and they disappear. The game was produced in very limited quantities and were sold in VHS style boxes instead of the usual NES game box. Very few of these ever sold because it was only sold through Video stores, and not game stores.
See Historic Prices | See Ebay Listings
Cheetahmen II

Cheetahmen II is a sequel that was never officially released. It was completed by it's developer but never sold. In 1997 all 1,500 of the games were found in a warehouse and sold in the secondary market. The game has so many bugs that it considered almost unplayable. In-spite of its poor quality it will still fetch more than $600 on a regular basis.
See Historic Prices | See Ebay Listings
Hot Slots

Hot Slots has you play a slot machine on the NES but at certain times during the game pixelated woman without much on will show up on the screen to say something. The game was only sold through mail-order to video stores and for obvious reasons was never licensed by Nintendo for the NES.
See Historic Prices | See Ebay Listings
Punch-Out Special Edition

A gold version of Punch-Out for the NES. 10,000 copies of the game were made and given out as part of a Nintendo Golf competition in Japan. The game is for the Famicom in Japan. The special editon was actually released before any other version of Punch-out and doesn't even have Mr. Dream or Mike Tyson as the final fight. Super Macho Man is the last character in the game.
See Historic Prices | See Ebay Listings
Mr. Gimmick

Mr. Gimmick was came out in Japan as Gimmick and Europe as Mr. Gimmick. The European version is the rarer of the two. The game plays like a traditional platformer but is notoriously difficult. The Electronic Gaming Monthly reviewed the game in their American magazine so it was thought it might come out in the US, but the game was never released stateside.
See Historic Prices | See Ebay Listings
Flintstones Surprise at Dino Peak

Surprise at Dino Peak was the second Flintstones game for the NES but it came out three years after the Super Nintendo released. Most gamers had moved away from the original Nintendo so the game sold poorly, which makes it quite rare today.
See Historic Prices | See Ebay Listings
Devil World

Devil World was designed by Shigeru Miyamoto and published by Nintendo, but is still a rare game. Devil World plays very similarly to PacMan but depicted the Devil and other religious symbols. Because of this Nintendo never released the game in North America, which makes it the only game designed by Miyamoto that didn't come out in the USA.
See Historic Prices | See Ebay Listings
Other Expensive Nintendo Games
- Little Samson - Used Price: $120
- 190-in-1 Cartridge - Used Price: $105
- Bubble Bobble Part 2 - Used Price: $100
- Panic Restaurant - Used Price: $100
- Action 52 - Used Price: $75
- Bonk's Adventure - Used Price: $65
- Secret Scout - Used Price: $60
- Megacom 76 - Used Price: $56
- King Neptune's Adventures - Used Price: $55
- Power Blade 2 - Used Price: $55
- Snow Brothers - Used Price: $55
- Menace Beach - Used Price: $51
See What Your Games Are Worth has daily updated prices for every NES game and most NES consoles and accessories. Our NES price list includes more than 780 games. See Prices For All NES Games
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Jim, good suggestion. I assume you mean a top 10 list of the NES games that were actually sold at retail instead of this list which is mostly unlicensed and special Nintendo cartridges.
I should be able to compile a list like that and add it to this page in the near future. Thanks
If you're including unliscenced and competition carts. EarthBOUND (US) sold for ~£860 recently.
surprised the unlicensed version of tetris didn't make this list. Weird, but I thought back in the day (shortly after Nintendo marketed a licensed version) the unlicensed game was said to have been worth hundreds.
I guess "Duck Hunt" isnt worth anything huh? HaHa!!
"Bubble Bath Babes is an adult version of Bust-A-Move. You shoot bubbles"... um yeah maybe a little research is in order? It's a Tetris clone where a group of 4 bubbles fall from the ceiling and you have to match a cluster of the same color at the bottom...
What about 3D world runner?? Any thoughts on that
Haha, man, this is awesome! I remember playing that Stadium Events game at my friend's house! There was this plate or something you had to stand on, kind of like the Wii fit thing.
I wonder if he still has it.........
i have a copy of this game.. really have no reason to joke about it. I got it at a garage sale here in leavenworth, kansas when I was about 9, so 12 years ago. it is still in the original box, but most of the plastic has been peeled back and some of the box has browned and fallen apart. i tried to play the game but like so many others had no pad.
what im trying to figure out is.. how long, if at all, should i hold on to it for to better my profit?
The longer you hold on to any copy of a game you find, the more chance there is for more people to come forward with a copy. Sell NOW!!! Look at it this way, if I have an old warehouse and go in there and find a 1000 original wrapped copies of this game and flood the market with them, the price is gonna go down to about $100 bucks each. They are only valuable because they are rare, the more copies that pop up the less they will sell for. Got it?
Justin==== IF you have this game, I will buy it from you ASAP. Steve Berenato Home cell is (609) 579-4843 and Work cell is (609) 816-0932. I am not joking and I hope you are not either. I am interested in any and all old Nintendo games
shit any1 need a pad i have 3....u could play your hearts out
Are the Genesis games worth anything?
and what about the game of frogger.. it didnt make the list i bought 3 in 83 still got two in the wrapper hhmmmm
Sorry - I see the listing for Sega Genesis games, but don't see a value on the console itself.
OMFG I had Cheetahmen II but i sold it to a gamestore because i thought it was old, they gave me 20 bucks for it, WTF!!!
Have not seen this posted anywhere,for the nintendo entertaiment system a game called
The Soviet Mind Game Tengen better know as TETRIS. Have one of the few that out there, how much?
So what about Summer Carnival 92 Recca it fetched $700 on ebay mint not sealed and i own a copy in mint condition its famicom only though
I have an old Nintendo NES system in working condition and about ten games, not sure what the games are I would have to find out. I have it in storage. Anyone interested in buying it?
I have Super Nintendo games for sale(old ones)
make me an offer
Super Punch Out
Ken Griffey Jr Winning Run
...decadez ago baseball cardz were discarded not knowing certain 1'z would be valuable yearz later --- this time around itz 1st generation computer games --- what will it be that iz around 2day that will more valuable yearz frm now...??
What about old Atary Games. Are they worth anything today.
What about Imagic games for old Sears console? They were really cool.
I have a version of mike tysons punchout where bald bull shits his pants when little mac knocks him out, its the only one i know of in existance.
I wonder why things like the power glove and the gyromite robot haven't become big sellers.
don't follow the link above that says excellent article, it's a porn site.
pass me the bumbaclaat rudeBwoi!
How bout my old yellow Pong console? I had it before Atari came out with a cartridge type game console.
is an Atari worth anything?
it still works and there are dozens of games and controllers...
where do i go to find out any info on that??
Man, I'd really love a copy of Little Samson too. I've played it at a friend's house years ago and loved it. Imagine my surprise and disappointment when I find a copy on eBay for a mere 180 bucks.
Oh well, maybe it will show up on Wii's Virtual Console.
I'm wondering if commador 64 games and computers are worth any thing?? i got lots of that stuff, if the wife hasn't got rid of it
Anyone have any idea what my "Game Action Replay" is worth? It's a Nintendo add in cartridge, that you placed in the NES, and then put a game cartridge in... It was only on the market a short while then Nintendo sued, and it was withdrawn. Which was too bad because it was the best Nintendo device ever... way better than the Game Genie. The Game Action Replay allows you to save your place in any Nintendo game, gives you Slo-Mo ability too. Awesome device.
BTW, I just got it out for the first time in years. I have the device and the instruction booklet. It's a QJ sv-801 Game Action Replay. I haven't tried it to see if the built in battery is still functional... will leave that to someone else. It's in good condition otherwise. If any know what it might be worth write me at dkeith45@gmail
I have a Dirty Harry game, not sealed but in cardboard sleeve. Any price info on this one? Contact me at with any info or if interested. Thanks
if these games are worth something what would a working commador 64 computer, still in original box be worth.
wow, i didn't know things would happen like this with nintendo, i just gave away my original duck hunt edition nes system, and power glove, both still in there original box, with original price tag, the nes system had a 129.99 price tag, the power glove had a price tag of 29.99. im curious what they would have been worth?
I have an original Zelda wall clock. Excellent condition, dated 1989, Nintendo of America. It is in great working order. is it a collector's item?
no gameboy games worth anything?
I have the nes system, 2 controls & about 10 games...I sold about 35 games for around $250..none of them on the list thank god! What do you think the game system would go works, but sometimes you have to "fight" with it...had it for almost 20 years.
I have working system and numerous games. Its the only game system in the house. All the kids (grandkids and nieces and nephews) still play it. Have never seen the need to keep up with the "joneses" when this system still works.
I have a virtua boy system and 3 games collecting dust in my garage. Would love to know what it's worth. Still works great.
I had Stadium Events. I threw it away, so I guess I'll just keep making my monthly student loan payments.
I have the orginal tecmo bowl, willow in the box, is that worth anything?
I have an Atari 5200 System with a few games. Anyone care to make an offer??
What games do you have for the Atari?
I'm interested in the willow in the box, it's only worth about $10 - I just googled it.
I have the game controller pad to run on etc.Could it be worth anything?
Hello, my dad sold Magnavox TV's in the 1970s, and had several NIB "odessy" game systems. Basically, graphics were cling-ons that stuck to the tv screen, and your controller moved a white dot, [pong-like graphics] through 'haunted house' mazes, downhill ski courses, etc. Anybody have info on those systems?
Thanks, Jim in PA
i am going to post some crap asking as if some one will want to buy it and then leave the name anonamous so i can't be found. stupid lemmings
He's easy to find he's Jim from PA. HA HA!!
As of today, a sealed copy of Stadium Events is on ebay for over $100,000 and still has 13 hours on the auction. That's more than most sports cars go for.
There is an Atari 2600 game going for over 2 grand on ebay right now.
I just posted a bunch of Nintendo NES games on ebay yesterday, trying to get a little money to pay off my babies stomach surgery. I owe $27,000 to childrens hospital since I got laid off and lost health insurance at 6 months pregnant! : ) Can anyone let me know if any of these games are worth anything more than the $9.99 I started them at. I have the Gold Zelda game with the maps and everything like new and Contra and Mike Tysons punch out. In all there are more than 27 games as some of them have 2 and 3 games on each cartridge. If you can email me at or just post here I will check back. Thank you all so much! I appreciate it!
have NES, 6 controllers [2 wireless], 2 guns, and 75 games all working . Nothing super rare or special lots of fun taking offers
The sealed copy of Stadium Events up for auction right now is a fraud.
The seller hasn't returned anyone's emails asking for more pictures so we can verify the seal is an original seal and not a reseal.
Most likely the seller resealed a boxed version of the game, or worse yet the box doesn't even have a game in it.
ALL listed stuff on this board is not worth 10 cents. everyone box your games, consoles etc. up and send them to me at the following address-
**** wr** rd
Dal***, ** 75228
Hello, I am the anonomous up a few with the games on ebay, anyway I forgot to put the ebay link it is
Thanks all of you who can give me an idea!! Have a fantastic day!
Hmmm....I've actually sold three copies of the Flintstones game on ebay over the past few years and fetched between $40-$60 each time...not being a collector but knowing most go for $5-$10 it was worth a shot. I was pretty shocked to get $50 for the first cartridge I sold. How rare can it be if I've found 3 copies at yard sales in the same little community in the last few years. $170 for value seems on the high end unless there's been some bizarre spike in interest caused by articles like this.
Anonymous said...
As of today, a sealed copy of Stadium Events is on ebay for over $100,000 and still has 13 hours on the auction. That's more than most sports cars go for.
March 1, 2010 9:59 AM
he is right, it is there. here is what i don't get.... what is the point of owning a sealed game? what makes it so valuable? if you ever decide to open it, it will lose all its value. so i guess you pay over 100k for something that is going to sit on a shelf in a safe....? and that is valuable because.......???? i suppose it would be like a very rare antique car that has been found all original in a barn in kansas or something. but still, its a game that you cant play. at least you can drive the car around and show it off.
i have an NES.
I still have robbie the robot and gyro-mite.....
anyone wanna make me an offer?
My son has a KISS pinball game by Balley. Has maybe 50 or less actual games played on it. Would it have any value.
i have a nintendo (fun club news) magazine. it says vol.1 winter 1987 with a picture of mike tyson on it reveiwing mike tyson's punch-out game. also have feb.-mar. 1988 with r.c. pro-am on it. willing to sell them.
Guys...the auction is up to 600,000!!!!!!!!!!
Great list JJ! Hopefully people will find some of these rare games in their closets and will either have some fun with them or pay off some student loans by selling them on eBay.
Have an atari unit which was a display unit at Kmart back in the early 80's when I worked there. It has 42 games in a 1' x2' metal case and a 4' board with 2 playing units on it and the games are listed on the board. When the unit was removed I requested it and my kids really enjoyed all the games. If of value, would like to offer for sale. email
Seriously...don't say "is my stuff worth anything, here is what I have." That just tells a potential buyer that knows what your item is worth that he can low ball you and tell you that your item is worth only 2% of what it is really worth. You're gonna get "jipped!" C'mon everyone, be smarter than that.
Drew Lane and Mike Clark are worth how much?
If only one could bend time and space and buy a buttload of these things. Returning to the present you would be a gazillionaire although I suppose the value would come down as you bring in more copies. Less rare then. Oh well.
there's an NES Stadium Events w/ 52 bids up to $800,200 now ending in 9 hours. This is NUTS!
What about Contra(NES)
The stadium events on ebay is now up to $800,300.00
i have nes ser#ooooi
I found an unopened N64 Star Wars Pod Racer in my basement in mint conditon how much do you think its worth?
i like turtles
That cant be real. No one in there right mind would ever pay that much for a f@#king video game.
your games are worth less than your email addresses (and cell phone #'s)
I have a 1906 Christie Mathewson baseball game I found in our attic. Does anyone know anything about this board game?
i have mario 3 for nintendo in his original case not open how much do you think i can get for it
i have mario 3 in his original case not open is new how much do you think i can get
When I bought my NES console, back in the 80's, it came with a single cartridge that contained 3 games:
Super Mario Bros. -
Tetris -
Nintendo World Cup -
I didn't see this combo on the site, can anyone tell me if it is here? or what it's price is estimated at?
E Fil - that game is on the site here:
Super Mario Duck Hunt World Class Track Meet
Other people who want to know what your games are worth. Search the website in the upper left corner. We probably have your game listed and will show you the current price and the historic prices too.
Best Nintendo games ever were the black market adult titles. Click on my name to see some.
Tony said...
The stadium events on ebay is now up to $800,300.00
Prolly bailout money. It's free. Who cares how much you pay for things.
Now, get back to work.
A few years ago, I wanted to buy an NES game I'd never heard of off a gentleman with a garage sale, but he insisted I take everything that was in the cardboard box the game came in. As soon as I got home I looked up the game, Stack Up, on eBay -- and to my surprise, it was going for over $200 and you don't even have it listed. Mine was in pristine condition with everything perfect except it was out of the shrink wrap. It was one of the old Rob-E games, and included all of the Stack-Up chips neatly set inside their flimsy plastic tray, everything like brand new in top shape. I forget how much it went for (over $200), but I know I've got a screenshot of the final auction price around here someplace.
The $800,000 Stadium Events auction was a fraud and the buyer never paid. The seller relisted the auction the next day and then ebay removed it.
The seller would never post pictures of the side and top seam to prove it was an original seal. The seller didn't respond to dozens of emails asking for this information.
hello, i own GOLDEN GAME 210 in 1 GAME cartridge and Super 190 in 1 game cartridge, if anyone is interested or tell me what can i do with them please let me know,, thank you so much.
As for Stack-Up, the peripheral pieces are valuable, but the game isn't really. There are lots of complete games and even more sealed games that are worth more than the low ones on this list.
He puts Flintstones 2 around 170, but a sealed Zelda or SMB would probably get more.
So just the Stack-Up cartridge isn't worth that much, but a complete set is.
Hey guys,
Quick question for the americans. I live in the u.k and recently aquired a gold zelda II. Nothing special about that. I am just curious because in the top left corner on the warning on the back the number 20 has been engrained in the label. I have a u.k version and it doesn't have it nor does any of my other nes games. Anyone know anything about it???
Best Regards.
Sorry I forgot to say the zelda cart was U.S
Hey!! guys cheeck this!!!!
JJ I think you should check your numbers on the Stadium Events PAL version. A brand new PAL Stadium Events is worth only a couple hundred, nowhere near $4,000. Recently though, thanks to all the publicity Stadium Events has received some ill-informed collectors have spent thousands thinking it was the far more valuable NTSC version
The PAL Stadium Events prices are definitely higher when I wrote this article than they are during "normal" times. PAL games were going for crazy prices right after the Sealed Stadium Events auction closed and the Boxed Stadium Events.
When we update this article in the future, I'm sure PAL Stadium Events will come back down.
i think i have a copie of sadium events that still may work would u li lee to make a offe.
I have a game called GOLDEN 250. Its a 250 in 1 cartridge. I don't see it anywhere on the lists of rare games or on any list of NES games. Anyone ever heard of this game?
I'm looking for a 42 in one game I used to have, I'm really just looking to get a copy of Battle City for my NES, can anyone help me?
The best stuff to clean any cartridge game with is Gamers Mud. I bought a jar and I actually amazed at the result. I felt I should tell somebody =)
I am selling my grandsons old nintendo collection. It has about 674 games, a robot thing, 8 controllers without wires, a nintendo,
a scope for a nintendo gun, a glove with buttons on it and a keyboard with everything in the box! Could I get $100 for it?
@Granny - I'm sure you can get $100 for more than 674 games. The exact price you get will depend on what games you have, but if they are all unique titles you will probably be able to get several thousand dollars.
anyone looking for a huge lot of nintendo games check out this auction on Ebay
Hey Jeff, I think I know which cartridge you are referring to. Does it have a musketeer-looking cat on the front of it? And when you turned it on a menu selection with music playing came on? If this is the same one it was made by Supervision directly out of China. A friend of mine had it and we played the pants off of it!
I have a complete copy of the HES Real Players Pack which has the same 6 games as the carlton version. Is this also a rare game?
Wow, excellent job on this article, and quite the definitive list of rare/obscure/even bizarre NES titles! Good times...
i have some games for the nintendo if interested let me know. here is a list:
also i have a nintendo wit no wires and two controllers
New not refurbished nes complete in box with a joystick email with offers
Anyone still here?
I visit local flea markets (or swap meets depending on your locale) and I'm always keeping my eyes peeled for people selling old NES carts; particularly these!
Does anyone know where can i find some pal price guide for NES games? Thx
Well just set it at a high price to see if anyone bites,if not,lower the price.I bought a sealed Castlevania 3 for $150.00,some other guy was selling it for $350.00.So the price varies.What game were you looking for the price of?
well i got couple completed:
Zelda I and II, Donkey Kong 3, Duck Tales, Wrecking Crew, All 3 Super Mario Bros.
only cart:
Banana Prince, Snow Bros, Duck Tales II, Mighty Final Fight, Noahs Ark,
than i got this asian unlicensed PAL with:
75 in 1, 4 mario in 1, 9 races in 1, 4 in 1 with golden axe 4, T2, robocop 3 and alien 3, also 10 in 1 and 4 in 1 with contra 2, double dragon 2, power rangers 2 and chip dales 2.
So what do you think that i can set the price for this games? THX
I have a COMPLETE copy of Cheetahmen 2 if anyone is interested? It comes with the cartridge (original "Action 52" cartridge with gold "Cheetahmen II sticker), original cardboard sleeve, yellow "Read before using" instruction sheet and the original box.
Game sleeve has very light "wear", game cartridge is Mint, instruction sheet is Mint and the game box has slight "wear", but has absolutely no rips/tears or rounded corners, etc. Just minor creasing in a couple spots.
Please send an email to: and please let me know if interested in making an offer. I can take some pictures for you and even list it on Ebay for you to purchase.
--Brian S.
I wonder how much the games on this list are worth today?
I have an old NES game that was given to me. Ive never played it but Im curious if its worth anything. Its a Japanese version 250 in 1(3) game. Gray Cartridge. It has games like the following:
Dig Dug
Ice Climber
Clu Clu Land
Duck Shoot
Here are three auctions for NES Prototype carts
I have an old Link game( before the series was called Zelda) and its Gold plated. I do not have the original box, and it still plays. any idea how much its worth? my email is chazary
good collection of expensive games ,
i just had played one ore two games in those ,
I have a Video Deon 110 in 1 Multi Cart NES game. Anyone interested? Its for sale!! email me at
i have Stadium Events PAL Version this game
and this game is nice not good but so so , but in this rate its a good deal
Hey Guys I just found some really old nes games
and last but not least
Buy all at once or One at a time Email me @
srry guys email is i have Zelda the gold 1
I have paperboy2 nes factory sealed any idea what it's worth? Thankyou Martin :.)
@anonymous - A new Paperboy 2 is worth about $100-150. The most recent sale was for $100.
Does anyone know how much Mega Man 6 is new is worth?
@anonymous - A brand new Mega Man 6 sells for about $200-250.
What does a sealed 1985 basic baseball game sell for?
@anonymous - If you're referring to Baseball for NES, then it sells for about $17-18.
I am refering to baseball for NES, I'm specifically refering to the copy that's at $800 on ebay with 3 days left. Do you know where I can see where others have sold?
@anonymous - I apologize, my previous answer was off. I had looked at Tecmo Baseball (which also says "Baseball" at the top and it ended at $20.
The ebay auction for Nintendo Baseball is $800. That will be the first time I have ever seen a sealed version of this game sell.
So right now it looks like the price for the item is at least $800.
That excites me even more, its obviously my game. Any predictions, I am sure you would have a much better guess than myself. I have had a minimum of 10 emails asking for my BIN price. An NES world champ and some serious collectors. I think I would be a fool to take the game down with that much interest. I have done a lot of looking and can not find a sealed copy that has sold either. Any input? Thanks for all the info btw.
@anonymous - Definitely do not sell for a BIN price at this point. 1) it is bad form to end an auction with winning bids to then sell to someone else. 2) generally people who contact you for the BIN price are willing to pay more but are trying to get a deal.
In almost all cases you will get more letting the auction run its course.
I am honestly surprised at the price the item is selling for right now. Golf for NES, recently sold $199 brand new. I didn't think Baseball would be that much higher, but looks like it is.
Good luck with the sale.
Thank You, I have talked to some avid collectors and they say they have never seen a copy come up for sale and a lot of them need it to complete there collection. One guy I have spoke with said he has been at it for 10 years and has never seen one come up for sale. Thanks again for the info.
I have a NES brand new unused how much is it worth
Oh brand new in a box
Just found a bin of NES games in the basement, in the sleeve with the manual (for most). Are any of these worth anything??
Thanks for your help!!
My buddy picked up a copy of Dig Dug for the nes at a used game store. It is not Dig Dug 2 and it works on his US version NES. Everywhere i have looked says that the original Dig Dug was only released in PAL version overseas. Anyone have any insight into this
The original Dig Dug for NES was not released in the USA, but I the PAL version would work on a USA console.
so he has a PAL version then? i didnt think PAL would work on the USA consoles. Is this a rare game? We cannot seem to find the game anywhere online
@anonymous - Sorry I didn't elaborate more in my previous comment. A PAL NES game can work in a NTSC console but it requires some modification. Out of the box you cannot play PAL games on the NTSC system.
These are just a few of the 120 games that I have: Zelda II the adventures of link , baseball simulator 1,000 , GI Joe, days of thunder, Rambo, Jordan v.s. Bird, Swords and Serpents , predator , cobra triangle, fliying dragon, Mad max. Bad news baseball, vegas dream, mickey mousecapade, clu clu land Etc. Etc. All in original boxes 90 % of them have the original instruction booklet.
I have Super Mario 2, Yoshi, Bubble Bobble, Donkey Kong Jr, Tetris, Popeye, Mike Tyson PUNCH OUT, Donkey Kong Classic, The Goonies II, and Double Dribble for sale. Email me at I am also looking to sale my Nintendo NES which comes with one controller.
I have 1990 NES WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP CARTRIDGE SET. i have the gold one and the silver one with all the paper work. 910 622 4189 make me an offer for both.
Anonymous said...
I have 1990 NES WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP CARTRIDGE SET. i have the gold one and the silver one with all the paper work. 910 622 4189 make me an offer for both
Anony- email me what you are asking.
i found adventure of lolo 2 and and super c just the games no boxes or anything are they worth selling?
I found a karate kid game it is black cartridge and ti has the seal of ninendo somebody can tell me wath it is? cartridge
Thanks for the post. This one is what I am looking for. Keep up the good work blogger.
A friend of mine recently found several NES game consoles in a storage locker. Since there was a few of them I figure the person that had the locker might have been a collector. I remembered hearing that a certain numbering on the console might identify them as a rare find, possible gold mine. Can anyone elaborate on this subject for me? Any ifnformation would be helpful.... THANKS
oui bonjou moi j ai une console nes 001 de nintedo annee 1985 elle fonctionne et le numero de serie commence par n 121 merci de me dire quel prix que je peut vendre et si cet lui qui est tres rare car j ai quelque jeux avec cela richard
i got the 190 in 1 !!!
Flintstones dino peak just sold used with box and manual for 1225.00 on ebay last week.
Found 77 Nes games, 4 controllers and the console in my garage! Interested? 863-228-7419
Who buys Nes games? Game stop? Topps?
It's insane how much prices have gone up for some of the harder to find games...if all you're in it for is to play the games vs actually owning them, you're better off gettting a Powerpak for your NES and/or SNES. They aren't perfect, but they cover the majority of any game you'd want to play on real hardware.
I have Bubble Bath Babes, Peek-a-Boo Poker, and The Flinstones.
got a supermario3 with a white case instead of gray never seen one exept for that. is it a piratecopy or?
hello i will buy your nes games
Hello i would like to sale stadium events for nes
brand new never open and never used. It's the german version of PAL.
calling 00491633442396 germany.
i have the peek a boo poker game seen them go between $700 an $1,300 an only gonna go up shit i'll sell it for $700 anyone? contact me
I have a game that was purchased in Japan....It has around 61 games on it . Most of them old arcade games. It required the bumblebee adapter to use in the NES console. I have that as well. It's a great game but many of the names were misspelled in translation to English. For instance Millipede is spelled millipicle. There are also games In Japanese as well. Any idea what this is worth?
youtube the 'angry video game nerd'...some of his videos discuss rare games and such
Yeah I have so many games but not one is worth thousands smh
I will also buy games new or used rare or not from atari intellivision nes snes ps1,2,&3 Xbox Xbox360
what about mario bros.arcade version
classic arcade version of mario bros.(price)
Has anyone heard of Cocoron, one of the rarest games on the NES? I can barely find proof of it, but I think it should be on this list.
@lloyd cline - Mario Bros is about $14-15 loose.
You can find it on our site by searching for "mario bros". You should be able to find the values for every NES game on the site.
Now I understand why every NES collector I know is missing 10-20 games, no matter how hard to try to build a complete collection.
I sold M.u.l.e for Commodore 64 on Amazon for about $185.00 in the box in very good condition.
Was that you on pawnstars jj hendricks?
@anonymous - Nope, unfortunately that wasn't me on the Pawn Stars episode with Nintendo World Championships Gold and Gray. It was Pat the NES Punk.
What about super mario 3.5, and super mario competition edition? Both have nintedo licence on them and a VGK logo in bottom center of lable. are these real? rare? I have pictures of them but dont know anything about them
@anonymous - Those games are not real Nintendo games. They were made by fans.
I have...used no box or manual
-email me @
All if these titles and not once have I hear techno superbowl. I read techno baseball. I need to look for buyers. I rather have someone have these 3 games in their collection or I would just smash them and toss them. I have no case nor book. Tecmo Superbowl, clash of demon head, and some game that has 3 games on 1 cartridge super Mario brothers, duck hunt, and world track meet. I just found them going through some boxes. I will never have a complete set so someone who collects hit me up. Or just reply to my comment or whatever.
How much you want for,it
What's the difference between a famicom game and a Nintendo game? What I mean is I found a rare game on the list at a local thrift store, but its a famicom game not the nes game should I go get it or would it be useless
Depends on the game, some famicom hold high value as well as usa nes.
How much would a Nes be worth if it didnt work but had 11 games three controllers and a duck hunt gun?
I still have my old Nintendo game system plus 10 used games. I have the duck hunt control and the arcade control. I even have the Nintendo cartridge that cleans it.
Games I have:
Marble Madness
Dr. Mario
Ren & Stimpy
Super Mario 2
Super Mario 3
Shadow Gate
Simon's Quest
The Adventures of Bayou Billy
Are any of these worth anything? Where do you go to see if your game system and games are worth anything? I live in MA.
how much a nes with 4 games all brand new be worth right now?
I still play NES games.
My fav : Contra,Adams Family,Duck Hunt,Zippy Race,Mario,Simon's Quest,JACKAL,STREET FIGHTER
But I admite now I use a emulator, because it's hard to connect my tv on nintendo all the time.
I found a good site Nes Game and I play every day this amazing games.And I'm glad that I am the owner of Cheetahmen II .It's my favorite.
Best Wishes
Hi, I have like 10 of the most common nes games ever, and a broken nes. Can I get $10,000 for this?
Seriously people. Learn how to use Google...
These prices need to be updated badly. Many of the games listed are worth a lot more right now.
Some of the rarest game variants aren't even listed here (for example: the ultra-rare Mega Man with 5 screws).
Stop asking how much your old crap is worth in the comment section of a 3 year + old blog post. Go to ebay and check prices. Things are only worth what someone is willing to pay for them.
Aso of August 13th, the price of the Stadium Events, the big fish, increased its price on It costs US$ 77000. The PAL version goes for US$ 6200... and keep on rising.
Hi I have games that I am trying to sell or get prices on if someone on here can hell me with a prices plz let me know here is my email Joe&Mack ,super Mario bros action series,trojan,target renegade,mega man,the legend of Zelda,time lord,bad street brawler
Hi all I have a nes system with duck hunt and super mario 3 , it has two controllers and the gun it comes in the nes super deluxe carry case , it is virtually like new model number is 001 , could sumone give me an idea of value please .
I have the jetsons Cogswells caper nes game. Is this game worth anything? No box or wrapper. Thanks :)
Gigitty gigitty gigitty goo
I have one left for sale txt me at 5073847286
I have a Nintendo nes action set with duck hunt and super Mario bros game... BRAND NEW THE BOX IS UNOPENED! Anyone interested email me at
I have. 32in 1 nes cartridge. All wording on front is in Japanese I'm assuming. Can anyone give more info?
I have a original Nintendo nes 3 controllers the gun and 36 games all in working condition will sell cheap need the cash now 4 my kids call 9183525854 my name is heather
this is a gd job
can i help me in seo to my site web
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